Hi guild!
The guild got a great amount of new officials for next year last week in the election meeting! However, there are still many positions to be filled in the post-election process with separate applications. To apply for these positions, please send an application following the instructions on the election forum to the head of the committee you wish to apply for by email (unless instructed otherwise). Role descriptions can be found here and the role-specific instructions below.
For the sake of transparency, we hope that all applicants will comment their names in this file. There are a lot of names left from the elections, so the file should be updated to represent the current situation. If you decide to not apply for a role that you've written your name next to, it's recommendable to delete your name from the file.
The selection criteria for all positions are (1) motivation for the position sought, (2) willingness to be involved in guild activities, (3) skills or experience required for the position, and (4) answers to any committee-specific questions. However, no significant previous knowledge or experience is required for any position – anyone can learn the skills needed for a new position – and there is no need to spend a large amount of time on the application.
The application period for the positions listed below opens on Wednesday 13.11. and closes on Wednesday 20.11. at 23.59.
Sustainability Responsible (1-2)
Send a short application to markus@athene.fi, where you tell about your interest towards the position. You can apply alone or as a pair.
Guild of Information Networks Athene ry's official Pool Person (1)
The Pool Person is responsible for the pool table at the CS building! If you like playing pool there and could take on this small task, this position is just for you! Send a short application to markus@athene.fi, where you tell about your interest towards the position.
Equality Responsible (1-2)
The Equality Responsible advances matters related to diversity, equity and inclusion within the guild. Send a short application to markus@athene.fi, where you tell about your interest towards the position. You can apply alone or as a pair.
Annual ball committee (4-8)
Happy Annual Ball Week dear Athene Guild!
The hype is growing and rightly so: after all, Infoähky is known to be the Guild's finest, most fun and most exhilarating event. This year is going to be great, but we would like to steal your gaze for just a moment already towards next year, because next year, once again, we will be celebrating our annual party. Next year's celebrations will be looking for innovative people to create the post-anniversary 'darravujus'. (darra = hangover) But don't be intimidated by the term - as a committee, we are trying to find a happy medium that embodies the dignity and tradition that are inherent in the nature of the Annual Ball, but also the desire for cost-effective and creative solutions. At the same time, we see this as an opportunity to come up with something completely new that may not have been seen in previous years, when the expectations created by previous years are not an obstacle.
If you are interested, please fill in this form!
p.s. You can apply for the committee alone or in pairs. More information on the form!
Best regards,
Make & Markku
Head of OLOhuone committee (1)
As a Head of OLOhuone committee, you get to lead a golden team of committee members and make a concrete impact on our guild room! If you like to spend time on our guild room and have some ideas for developing or maintaining it, this is for you! Send an application to markus@athene.fi, where you tell at least:
- Why are you applying for this role?
- What strengths and possible ideas do you have for this role?
OLOhuone committee (4-8)
In OLOhuone committee, you get to develop and take care of our beloved guild room OLOhuone! Send an application to markus@athene.fi , where you tell at least the following things:
- Why are you applying for the OLOhuone committee?
- What strengths and possible ideas do you have for the position?
The applications will be forwarded to the Head of the OLOhuone committee when they are selected.
Camping committee (3-5)
The Camping Committee is looking for new enthusiastic members to take the guild members into the woods again next year. Maybe you are a nature lover? Or maybe you've never slept outside at night, but you can hear the call of the forest whispering in your ears? Are you full of wild ideas for trips that you're dying to go on? Maybe you're a master trailblazer and want to show your claws in the most remote wilderness? Apply to join the camping committee and together we'll make 2025 an unforgettable hiking year!
Submit your free application to the Camping Committee by sending it to kalle.h.keinonen@aalto.fi and venla.soininen@aalto.fi. Include in your application at least:
Who are you? Why are you applying for the committee? What would your dream trip be like? What is your favourite hiking song? Fuck, marry, kill: crossing a water, summiting a mountain, taming an unknown cave?
With foresty regards
Kalle and Venla
Songleaders (3-6) and Songleaders-to-be (1-3)
Are you a cultured fan of singing or do you perhaps enjoy distinguished academic parties? Become a Songleader at Athene and show how Athene’s phuksis sing with enthusiasm rather than with skill! And even if you're not a phuksi anymore, come anyway – the path to learning the secrets of songleading is at least as straightforward as the journey along the Polytechnic Boulevard, and telling donkey bridges isn’t stressful or dreadful; it’s quite affordable, healthy, and wet (thank you ChatGPT for this translation 😃). Contrary to what you might think, songleading doesn’t require any special performance skills – telling a donkey bridge can be nerve-wracking even for experienced songleaders, but oh, the joy when you get through it!
If you're still a bit hesitant about jumping into songleading, consider applying as a songleader apprentice! The role is a perfect way to try out songleading and, if you want, get more involved later on.
Apply to join Athene’s Songleader team NOW using this form.
For any questions related to song leading, feel free to reach out on Telegram @TinoPoutiainen.
Hacker Crew (3-5)
Please send your free-form application to tietskarivelhoksi@juusolaine.fi with at least the following details:
- Why are you applying?
- What kind of programming experience do you have?
- Do you have a favourite programming language?
- Schedule limitations
Social media coordinators (2-4)
Are your fingers itching to create social media content? Do you want to produce epic posts and influence how Athene appears to the public? Or maybe you're just curious to try your hand at managing social media on a slightly larger scale? If so, you should definitely apply to join the social media team! You'll work with a great group of people alongside the Head of communications – the only requirements to apply are enthusiasm and the courage to try something new! If you’d like a taste of what it’s like, be sure to check out the guild’s various social media accounts to see past content!
To apply, send a free-form application to olli.ullgren@aalto.fi. In your application, it would be helpful to mention things like:
- Who are you?
- Why would you like to be a social media creator?
- Do you have any ideas for next year's social media content or other insights about social media?
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on Telegram at @ollgren!
Photographer-to-be (1-4)
To apply as a photographer-to-be, all you need is enthusiasm for photography—you’ll receive plenty of help with shooting and equipment borrowing from more experienced photographers. Being a photographer-to-be does not require owning your own camera or having an editing program on your personal computer. This is an excellent place to learn the secrets of photography.
Send a short application to emil.laaksonen@aalto.fi with at least the following information:
- TG username
- Why would you be a good photographer-to-be?
- What guild events, such as sitz parties or freshman events, are you willing or interested in photographing?
- What other events would you possibly like to photograph?
Culture Committee (2-4)
Come and join the Culture Committee, come and make culture for fellow Athenians! 🎨
The Culture Committee of Athene is looking for creative souls interested in sharing culture to make Athene's Cultural Year 2025 memorable! Do you feel a burning passion for an art form or some cultural experience? Or perhaps you have a super-powerful dream of an event brewing in your mind and need like-minded helping hands to make it happen?
Send your application in English, Finnish or Swedish (with a tiny notice about a possible language barrier in more advanced nuances) via email to kerttu@athene.fi and aino@athene.fi. Things to mention in the application:
- Your name, starting year at Athene and Telegram nickname
- Why are you applying?
- An event you’d like to organize in the committee
- Fuck, marry, kill: an opera, a stand-up show, a live poem recitation event -
- Possible schedule restrictions for the year (i.e. exchange)
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact @kerttup or @isantavirallinen on Telegram. Most likely 4-6 members will be selected to the committee.
Meeples (2-4)
As a gaming enthusiast, you're part of the gaming committee that focuses specifically on digital gaming, especially at Olkkari. In addition to playing games, the committee's purpose next year is to acquire a PS5 for the guild room. If you'd like to play PlayStation a lot next year or possibly even participate in transferring content from the old PS4 to the new console or finding good PS5-related deals on Tori, this role is for you. Send a short application to erik@athene.fi, where you tell about your interest towards the position.
Kukka Magazine: journalists (4-6), layout (2) and digi leapers (1-2)
Once again, it's that time of year to dig out the gardening gloves and get planting for the upcoming Kukka Year. How can you help our Guild magazine flourish? Please send your free form application to alli@athene.fi.
In your application, you can include details such as
- Who you are
- Which role you are applying for
- Your strengths in the role you are applying for
- Previous experience in similar roles
- Your weaknesses in other roles
- Any schedule constraints In 2025, are you a morning or evening person
- Story, layout or digital ideas for next year
- Any other fun stuff, e.g. favourite poem in the shape of a vegetable
Questions can be sent in Telegram to @illallinen.
Good luck for the applications! If you have any questions regarding the post-election, don't hesitate to contact the chair Markus, Telegram: @markuslaine.